Program Agenda
Day 1: 5 Jul 2023 (Wednesday)
Venue: Hall V322, Jockey Club Innovation Tower V, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
0900 - 0930
Conference Registration
0930 - 0945
Prof. Calvin Wong
CEO & Centre Director, AiDLab
Cheng Yik Hung Professor of Fashion, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Edgar Rodriguez Ramirez
Associate Professor, Programme Lead Interaction Design, School of Design,
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
0945 - 1015
Keynote Presentation
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Dr. Delman Lee, Vice Chair at TAL Apparel Limited
1015 - 1045
Keynote Presentation
Navigating uncharted territory with Meaning-driven and Design-centred Innovation
Prof. Erin Cho, Dean and Professor of the School of Fashion and Textiles,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
1045 - 1105
Panel discussion
Intelligence for Design
Prof. Jeanne Tan, COO and Assistant Centre Director, AiDLab
Professor, School of Fashion and Textiles
Prof. Erin Cho, Dean and Professor of the School of Fashion and Textiles,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Delman Lee, Vice Chair at TAL Apparel Limited
Prof. Calvin Wong,
CEO & Centre Director, AiDLab
Cheng Yik Hung Professor in Fashion, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
1105 - 1120
Refreshment Break
1120 - 1240
Paper Session: Form, Interactivity, and the Human Experience
1240 - 1400
1400 - 1500
Paper Session: Form, Interactivity, and the Human Experience
1500 - 1540
Paper Session: Innovation in Product and Service Design
1540 - 1600
Refreshment Break
1600 - 1730
Workshop on Human-Centred AI Design Methods to Understand “Textiles Hand”
Day 2: 6 Jul 2023 (Thursday)
Venue: INNO2 Studio, 2/F, 17W, Hong Kong Science Park
0900 - 0930
Conference Registration
0930 - 1000
Keynote Presentation
Acceleration with AI for Fashion
Prof. Calvin Wong
CEO & Centre Director, AiDLab
Cheng Yik Hung Professor in Fashion, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
1000- 1020
Paper Session: Innovation in Product and Service Design
1020 - 1040
Paper Session: Fashion: Process, Visualizations, Artifacts and Beyond
1040 - 1100
Refreshment Break
1100 - 1140
Paper Session: Fashion: Process, Visualizations, Artifacts and Beyond
1140 - 1300
Exhibition & Tour
Atrium Link, Hong Kong Science Park
1300 - 1430
1430 - 1530
Short Paper/ Demo Sessions
1530 - 1545
Refreshment Break
1545 - 1715
Workshop: Wearables for Personalised Posture
1900 - 2200
Conference Dinner
Day 3: 7 Jul 2023 (Friday)
Venue: INNO2 Studio, 2/F, 17W, Hong Kong Science Park
0900 - 0930
Conference Registration
0930 - 1030
Paper Session: Fashion: Process, Visualizations, Artifacts and Beyond
1030 - 1130
Paper Session: Wearables and Alternative Skins
1130 - 1140
Closing Ceremony
1140 - 1240
AiDLab Tour & Networking
AiDLab, 16/F, 19W, Hong Kong Science Park